
The Life and Times of Ancient Egypt

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The Life & Times of Ancient Egypt









The early people of Egypt became very good in farming, crafts and trade. In time, this led to a need for a type of government in the land. The Early rulers were village chiefs and elders. They developed irrigation systems for surplus of goods which were used in times of need. The land was mostly desert, so they needed a lot of goods to stay alive. Later in time, they made kingdoms and social classes which led to the Ancient Egypt we know today.   






  The people were made up of different classes. The unskilled workers were at the bottom of all the people and the Pharaoh was at the top.  Below the Pharaoh were the priests and nobles. The priests would be advisors to the pharaoh and helped them make decisions. 




    Ancient Egypt was a monarchy. It was controlled by pharoahs.  Pharoahs are people that were respected by the people that lived there. There were many laws that the Pharaoh was in charge of making. A lot of the laws had to do with the religion that they believed in, but all of them were made by Pharaoh.




   The worst law to break was stealing from a tomb. They would punish them by killing them. Most of the laws were about right or wrong.  The little crimes were punished by hitting them with sticks and rocks. For the big crimes, they would just kill them.  It all depended on what the Pharaoh thought.



     The people used to build Pyramids that they would build for the Pharaoh. The Pyramids were built for the gods and goddesses that they believed in. When the Pharaohs died, they would bury them in the pyramids.  















The Governments today have a lot in common with the Government of Ancient Egypt. Back then, they used killing as a way to punish people like we do today with some crimes. A lot of the laws back then had to do with right and wrong, and it's the same way today. Today, instead of a Pharaoh we have a president who makes all the rules. Also, we don't worship our presidents.








World history-Journy across time text book 

Macmillan Dictionary for Children







Delta- An area of fertile soil at the mouth of a river.


Mediterranean- Inland sea of Europe, Asia, and Africa


Nile River- World's longest river flowing north from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea.


Mummify- To embalm a body and wrap it in linen.


Tombs- A grave or building in which a dead body is placed.


Worship- Prayer, religious services and other acts done in honor of God.


Ancient- Having to do with times long ago.


Civilization- Complex society with cities organized government, art, religion,

                 class division, and a writing system.

Monarchy- supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person. 


Irrigation-  To supply water to crops by artificial means, such as channels and pipes.


Surplus-  An amount greater than what is used or needed; excess.





    Ancient times in Egypt was so different than living in today's world.  I wouldn't trade my life for any other life, especially living in the ancient world of Egypt. We still have different classes of people the lower, middle and upper class. I guess we still have that in common with the Ancient Egyptians. We can't write on walls because today we call that grafitti and we get in trouble. Ancient Egyptians didn't have malls, and toy stores. They didn't have McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's and pizzarias. We also have computers, DVD players, cell phones and lots of video games! That's why I wouldn't trade my life with an Ancient Egyptian kid cause I can't live with out my computer and X-box 360!


By:  Nicklaus P.

and Giuseppe C.













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